Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Can you Cope?

Well, I did not write my post yesterday as I was immersed in Gossip Girl! That's right season 3 is here! It most certainly is my most frivolous vice - and I absoltely adore it. I know the whole planet has probably downloaded the entire season and it is now old hat. I, on the other hand am an old fashioned television watcher and wait patiently for each episode. It is bitter sweet I know, the trauma to wait for a whole week is quite unbearable. What I can't stand is being invited out on a Wednesday night! I don't think it's socially acceptable to decline an invitation because of lets face it a sitcom! I know I know PVR blah blah blah. Yes, maybe that will make my life easier. The risk of pvr is that I might never see sunlight again! Great for my skin but that's about it. No, I would turn into a couch potato of the very worst kind. (In fact are there other kinds?) The kind that is covered in crumbs and that has worn the same pyjamas for five consecutive weeks, the kind that has a mini bar right next to them - nothing is out of arms reach. No, it just won't do.

Holy Moly! Am loving them. Am definatley going to do some Serena van der Woodsen chanelling this weekend.

These two are my best.

Must say Vanessa, you really have upped your game. That dress is quite something!

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