Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day One

Why a blog The Darling Husband (Darling from now on) asks. Maybe you should start off by replying to your many long unanswered emails.

But you see this blog is essential because I am so so terribley flaky and unfaithful. A real dilettante. I have so many loves..........

My house, cooking, gardening,painting,designing,entertaining,riding*,excercise and sport,French,books and combing the world for beautiful things.

So, you see how could I possibly be faithful to all that!!!!

Instead I flit like a butterfly landing on each one for a fleeting moment before I'm on to the next.

I plant and nurture roses because I am so mad about them. Two weeks later I am the new Julia Child and so busy whipping, stirring,baking tarting myself into such a frenzy that the roses have recoiled in shame now they are a group of old 'has beens'. Just as Darling (husband) is getting accustomed to Haute Cuisine Chez Nous he comes home to absolutly nothing at all - or at best popcorn. "What's for supper?"

"Supper!!!, are you mad. Don't you know clothes only look good if you're pencil thin"

And so it goes on.

So I'm hoping this blog will keep my inspiration constantly fuelled and on the path of mastering the art of living well. I have employed a few doyenne's to guide me and pass down their knowledge. So without delay I introduce to you The Board of DOMINICO HOUSE:

Mrs Mostess, Mrs Married, Mr Manners, Mrs Pettiquette, Miss Potter, The Crafty Sisters and Miss Hotbod.

Here's to surviving the roses!

* A Note from Mr Manners

Before you all snigger at the connotations for the above mentioned 'riding' it is very non-U (non Upper Class) to use the term Horse - riding. U (Upper class) term is plain 'riding' From the non- U point of view the expression is reasonable, for to the non- U there are other kinds of riding (non -U to go for a motor -ride/U to go for a drive in a motor - car) But bicycle - ride is normal.

Taken from 'Noblesse Oblige' edited by Nancy Mitford.

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